Thai listening practice advance level : Moving house

Nov 05, 2024By Nariss

Sà-wàd-dii khâ! Welcome back to my blog! Today, we're exploring some useful Thai vocabulary and expressions for talking about moving to a new place and finding peace in retirement. Imagine you've lived in a peaceful village for years, enjoying a quiet, friendly atmosphere. But over time, the place gets busier, louder, and less private. You start thinking: wouldn’t it be nice to move somewhere more serene?

In today’s blog, you’ll learn six essential Thai words and a key grammar structure for making comparisons that will help you explain your thoughts on moving, preferences, and why peace matters. I’ll share practical examples to help you use these phrases naturally and confidently in your own stories.

To make learning easier, we provide a phonetic version of the story, helping you focus on pronunciation and comprehension which includes .... 

✅ Phonetic script for accurate pronunciation.
✅ Thai script for learners familiar with reading.
✅ English translation to ensure you understand every word.
✅ New vocabulary focus, so you can expand your knowledge effortlessly.
✅ Comprehension questions to test and solidify your learning.

If you’re ready to go beyond this introduction and dive deeper into the full learning experience, you can get 20 scriptspacked with all these features by contacting me at [email protected]

Script from the audio (Thai, phonetic and English version)

Hèd-phǒn thîi rao yáai-bpai meaung èuun kheue, mêua-gàwn thîi-nîi mii mâi gìi khon.

Thúk-khon bpen-mít, láe mâi tham hâi mùu-bâan níi sòk-gà-bpròk.

Dtàe mêua-mâi-naan-maa-níi, khon rêrm yáak-maa yùu thîi-nîi mâak-khêun. Sêung, man mâi-châi bpan-hǎa ná phró rao mâi ròb-guan khrai.

Láe nâae-non, rao bpen-mít gàb phêuan-bâan thúk-khon. Dtàe way-laa mii khon phêrm-khêun, kwaam-sùan-dtua gô lód-long, sǐang-dang láe khà-yà nai mùu-bâan mii mâak-khêun.

Rao khíd-wâa man dii gwàa thâa rao bpa thîi èuun phró rao aa-yú mâak-láew. Láe yàak chái way-laa gà-sǐan gàb kwaam-sà-ngòb mâak-gwàa.

New vocabulary

  1. เหตุผล (hèd-phǒn) - reason
  2. ย้าย (yáai) - to move
  3. เป็นมิตร (bpen-míd) - friendly
  4. ส่วนตัว (sùan-dtua) - personal, private
  5. เกษียณ (gà-sǐan) - retirement
  6. ความสงบ (kwaam-sà-ngòb) - peace, peaceful

These words will appear in today’s listening exercise, helping you understand the context better and practice using them in sentences.

Grammar focus

Grammar Focus: Making Comparisons with “มากกว่า (mâak-gwàa)”
The phrase “มากกว่า” is used to compare two things, often implying a preference or a choice that is more desirable. In the script, the speaker mentions that moving would be "better than" staying because they prefer peace for their retirement.

Example Sentences
เราคิดว่า ย้ายไปอยู่ที่อื่นจะดีมากกว่าอยู่ที่นี่
(Rao khíd-wâa yáai bpai yùu thîi èuun jà dii mâak-gwàa yùu thîi nîi)

We think moving to a different place would be better than staying here.

(Gaan mii kwaam-sà-ngòb sǎm-khan mâak-gwàa gaan yùu nai thîi sǐang dang)

Having peace is more important than staying in a noisy place.

(Rao dtông-gaan kwaam bpen sùan-dtua mâak-gwàa derm)

We want more privacy than before.

(Bpen-mít gàb phêuan-bâan sǎm-khan mâak-gwàa rêuang sǐang dang)

Being friendly with neighbors is more important than about the loud noise.

สำหรับเรา การใช้เวลาสงบสำคัญมากกว่าสิ่งอื่น
(Sǎm-ràp rao, gaan chái way-laa sà-ngòb sǎm-khan mâak-gwàa sìng èuun)

For us, spending time in peace is more important than anything else.

This structure is a practical way for students to express preferences and make comparisons, highlighting what they find more significant in different situations. In the speaker’s case, it helps articulate why moving to a peaceful place is more appealing than staying in an increasingly busy area.

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