All the questions that hold you back from learning a new language

Nov 01, 2023

1. "I don't have time to attend regular Thai language classes."

With Thai Online courses with Teacher Nariss, you can learn Thai at your own pace, anytime, anywhere! Now you can say goodbye to scheduling conflicts and have the flexibility to learn Thai while sipping on a coconut on a beach in Koh Samui. 

2. "Learning Thai is too difficult."

Don't worry, Teacher Nariss is here to make learning Thai a piece of cake! With her expert teaching methods, she'll guide you through the linguistic maze like a Thai language ninja. Soon, you'll be able to speak Thai fluently and impress your friends and family. 

3. "I want a personalized learning experience."

No two coconuts are the same, and neither are our learners! Teacher Nariss will provide you with one-on-one coaching to cater to your specific needs and goals. Whether you want to learn Thai for business or pleasure, she'll ensure your journey is as unique as a rare Thai orchid. 

4. "I'm afraid of sounding silly when speaking Thai."

Fear not, as the great proverb goes, "Mistakes are the portals of discovery." Teacher Nariss will create a supportive and encouraging environment where you can make all the hilarious language faux pas you want! After all, laughter is the best Thai teacher, and she'll have you giggling your way to Thai language mastery. 

5. "Learning Thai is too expensive."

Prepare to be amazed by our affordable Thai Online courses with Teacher Nariss! With prices so unbelievably low, you'll think you're getting a Thai massage for your wallet. Start investing in your language skills today, and soon enough, you'll be bargaining at local markets like a seasoned Thai pro. 

6.  "I can't find a reliable Thai language teacher."

Teacher Nariss is the epitome of reliability! She's dedicated to her craft and will provide you with the finest Thai language education available. No unreliable teachers here, only solid knowledge and a proven track record of successful Thai language learners. 

7. "I don't live in Thailand."

No worries! Whether you're chilling in your living room in London or soaking up the sun in Sydney, you can still learn Thai with Teacher Nariss. Our online courses bring the vibrant culture and beautiful language of Thailand right to your doorstep, or rather, your computer screen! 

8. "I'm too busy enjoying the beautiful beaches of Koh Samui."

Who says you can't have your coconut and drink it too? With Thai Online courses with Teacher Nariss, you can learn Thai while basking in the sun on the stunning beaches of Koh Samui. Combine relaxation with education and impress the locals with your newfound language skills. 

9. "I've tried other Thai language courses, and they didn't work for me."

Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs before you find your Thai language prince or princess. But fear not! With Teacher Nariss and her innovative teaching methods, you'll finally find the Thai language course that fits you like a perfectly tailored Thai silk suit. 

10. "I'm too old to learn a new language."

Age is just a number, my friend! As the wise Thai proverb says, "It's never too late to start learning." With Thai Online courses with Teacher Nariss, she'll prove that you can learn new tricks! Unlock the linguistic mysteries of Thai, and you'll feel as youthful as a monk meditating under a Thai waterfall.